Who we are
East-Med Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence 2.0
The East-Med Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence 2.0 (EXCELEM 2.0) establishes a pivotal hub of EU Studies to promote EU teaching and research focusing on the EU’s actorness in the Eastern Mediterranean through the incorporation of a regional framework for cooperation. EXCELEM 2.0 focuses on exerting influence through the systematic and coherent cultivation of academic dialogue and on upscaling collaborative work through a number of targeted activities, ultimately creating an extroverted hub that will interact with citizens and the media for dialogue at various levels of governance (local, national, regional), targeting diverse groups (students, academics, researchers, policy makers, civil society actors).
Subsequently, the Jean Monnet CoE’s vision is to act as a think-tank of expertise, a pool of innovation, and an attraction poll for the pursuit of EU Studies whilst augmenting interest for the Eastern Mediterranean region, specifically towards individuals coming from different disciplines and not associated with EU policy. To achieve this goal, EXCELEM 2.0 aims to provide a holistic approach to regional cooperation by engaging participants in a wide array of interactive activities, enhancing their interest in EU Studies by showcasing the permeation of European Policy in all levels of governance in the EastMed.