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East-Med Jean Monnet Centre
of Excellence 2.0

Synergies and activities will be based on six thematic pillars

  1. The EU as a peace building actor at the EastMed: Crisis and conflict management; the EU’ Neighborhood Policy and Multilateral cooperation (UfM); the stabilisation and democratisation processes;
  2. Security issues at the East Med: water security, energy security, cyber security, research security and migration;
  3. European Green Diplomacy (Green investments and the amelioration of the EU’s public image as a green actor in the ENP countries);
  4. AI and FIMI (Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference) and their implications for peace and democracy;
  5. Breaking the intersectional barrier in EastMed politics: Minimising the marginalisation of individuals from politics due to their social characteristics (ethnicity, gender, religion, culture, minorities, vulnerable groups;
  6. EU initiatives towards the empowerment of Youth in EastMed.
University of Piraeus
Simone Veil Research Center
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
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