
The University of Piraeus (UPRC) is a public, business oriented university, founded in 1938 by the Industrialists and Tradesmen Association.
Nowadays, it consists of four schools and nine departments. It has 200 Bilateral Erasmus+ Agreements and an ERASMUS+ Charter. It is also a member in several associations such as EUA, IAU, the Community of Mediterranean Universities, the Universities Association of Southeastern Europe, UNIMED, and AASB.
Research at the UPRC is supported by the University’s Research Center (UPRC) that was established in 1983 and has fulfilled more than 1,000 research and educational programmes. UPRC supports research proposal preparation and follow-up (operational/financial management).

Founded in 1969 with the aim of bringing higher education and development to the Negev desert, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) is the fastest growing research institute among Israeli universities.
Located in the city of Beer-Sheva, BGU is home to over 20,000 students, 30 per cent of whom study for advanced degrees. In recent years, BGU has adopted a proactive policy to enhance research and teaching infrastructure, making major progress in advancing cutting-edge research and teaching.
For over seven years BGU has been repeatedly voted the number one choice of Israeli university undergraduate students according to a survey commissioned by the National Union of Israeli Students.